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Ribeira Grande City Council Participatory Budget

The Ribeira Grande City Council launches yet another edition of the Participatory Budget, this year with the novelty of using the Participatory Budgets platform developed by Alfamind.

  • PHP
  • HTML5, CSS3, JS
  • XClip®
Increasingly promote civic participation

The Participatory Budget has been a tool of unique importance to mobilize more and more citizens for an active and qualified intervention in the political destinies of Ribeira Grande. The success of the Participatory Budget has been guaranteed by a constant increase in the involvement of those who live, study and work in the Municipality of Ribeira Grande. It has also been an important way of involving the various living forces of the Municipality, namely institutions, associations, educational establishments and other agents who have identified needs and shortcomings, presenting proposals that have contributed to qualify and develop the Municipality of Ribeira Grande.

Open website
Ribeira Grande City Council Participatory Budget
Ribeira Grande City Council Participatory Budget
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