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AICCOPN Institutional Portal

The need to keep information about the Association and the entire Civil Construction and Public Works sector up to date was the main objective that made AICCOPN renew its presence on the Internet.

  • PHP
  • HTML5, CSS3, JS
  • XClip®
New Internet presence with more information and features

With the launch of the new Portal, AICCOPN now has a new communication tool that allows it to be in permanent contact with its members and with all those who seek the Association.
The experience in the area, the quality of the work and the confidence in the professionalism of ALFAMIND were the guidelines that led AICCOPN to choose our company for the development of the whole of the Association's new communication platform.

  • ClientAICCOPN
  • AreaCivil Construction and Public Works
  • ServicesWeb Design and Development
AICCOPN Institutional Portal
AICCOPN Institutional Portal
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